Get ready to nail your first PTA meeting! Learn what to expect, how to contribute, and the key terms you’ll need to know to participate with confidence.

Member Groups Member groups were used for older family memberships when memberships were given to families instead of individuals as they are now. Please note, these are different memberships than the current Family Membership types. Groups were phased out in 2018. On Mar 1, 2022, we will be removing the ability to see historical data. If you need this data, you must export the data by Mar 1. If you need help exporting data, please contact our support team.
Zero Amount Items FutureFund displays items on the receipt when the amount is zero. This supports campaigns where purchasers intended to show interest in a topic or organization. For example, some schools used this approach to show interest in a newsletter. Earlier this year we launched the Zero Dollar campaign to solve this issue and will be removing the zero dollar purchases from being displayed on the receipts. If you have a sign up type campaign and would like to change it to a Zero Dollar campaign, please contact our support team for assistance. This change will take place on Mar 1, 2022.
Secondary Phone Number Parents are able to provide two phone numbers during registration. However, in recent years, the use of the second phone number has declined and we will be removing it along with the phone number type on Mar 1, 2022. If you need to retain the secondary phone number, you must export this data before the Mar 1 date. If you need help exporting data, please contact our support team.
Video Links Campaigns and registration sections are able to display videos by pasting in embedded video players. Due to the various embedding options, there are often problems displaying the video properly. On Mar 1, 2022, we will restrict video players to the YouTube and Vimeo services and only the video ID will be required. If you already have a video, no action is needed, we will handle the migration for you automatically. If you are using the video field to embed a Google Form or other survey, this will no longer be supported after Mar 1, 2022 and any embedded code will be deleted. You must make a copy of the embedded code if you wish to retain it after the Mar 1 date. We will have reminder communications as we get closer to the Mar 1 date. If you have any questions, please contact our support team at
Thank you,
FutureFund Support Team
See what other parents and schools are saying about us!
Streamline the way you set up fundraising campaigns and reach parents in your school community more effectively. FutureFund shows you the improvements we’ve made to our campaign forms and message delivery metrics to give you more useful information.
FutureFund now allows school groups to sell season passes, or tie ticket purchases/redemptions to forms (such as a waiver for a school event or dance). We’ve also built-in Cash App support, making it even easier for people to pay or donate to your fundraising campaigns!
FutureFund now enables school administrators and volunteer coordinators to provide stakeholders with a read-only view of volunteers without granting full administrative privileges.
You can now use FutureFund to accept donations to your school fundraisers made with Apple Pay and Google Pay. Find out how this improves convenience and accessibility for donors while continuing to make life easier for PTA treasurers.
We have added the ability for you to add waivers or permission slips to individual campaigns. These permission slips are customizable to suit your need: Platform administrators can easily create a form to meet specific requirements of the trip/activity (short...