Bring alumni together with a class reunion that’s truly memorable. From nostalgic activities to networking mixers and fundraising opportunities, this guide has everything you need to plan a successful event and engage your former students in your school community.
Not sure how to approach alumni outreach messaging on social media? Learn which platforms to use, what to post, and how to inspire former students to give back in this helpful guide.
Leave a legacy of success for your PTA! This part of FutureFund’s guide for PTA volunteers shows you how to make a long-term impact by documenting all your processes, successfully orienting new volunteers, and ensuring your organization will continue to serve the interests of students in your community once you have moved on.
Flock The Yard Ever heard of “flocking”? This is an activity where patrons can have their yard or a friend’s yard filled with 10-20 plastic flamingos. To get started, you’ll need to collect the birds (or whichever animal the PTO/PTA wants to use), a list of volunteers to act as bird wranglers, and a few […]
Flock The Yard
Ever heard of “flocking”? This is an activity where patrons can have their yard or a friend’s yard filled with 10-20 plastic flamingos.
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To get started, you’ll need to collect the birds (or whichever animal the PTO/PTA wants to use), a list of volunteers to act as bird wranglers, and a few volunteer houses to start the event. Once you have everything collected, your bird wranglers can place the flock in an area thats easy for the family to see with a note either dropped off at their door or placed on the flock somewhere. The note should read something like:
“Congrats you’ve been FLOCKED! We can persuade the birds to move on for a $10 donation, but for a $15 donation you can tell the birds where to FLOCK to next! Our bird wranglers can be reached at (insert phone number here). Passing is an option as well! Just give us a call at that number and we’ll come shoo the birds away for free.”
Patrons can even purchase Flamingo Insurance for $10, which prevents their yard from being selected as a landing place for the birds. Some schools do “sneaky flocking”, where the wranglers try to sneak the birds onto the yard without the family noticing until the note is delivered. Feel free to have fun with it!
Bag and sell donut seeds (a small baggie of cheerios), complete with a full label and instructions, to the students to prank the younger siblings and gardeners in their lives.
Stairway To Balloons
This prank is for the parents to pull on the students with the help of the janitors and the administration. To set this up, have the Booster Club send out an email to all of the parents letting them know about the fundraising goal. Ask them to either donate themselves or to secure donations from nearby businesses.
Once the goal has been reached, the Booster Club fills all of the school stairways (or just the major ones) with balloons and saran wrap. The student’s faces will be priceless when they come in on a sleepy Monday morning to see the chaos of brightly colored balloons and saran wrap EVERYWHERE.
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Collect donations from the students to have a gender swap day! The kids will really get a kick out of seeing all of their friends dressed as the opposite gender.
Sanctioned Pool Day
Turn the school’s courtyard or parking lot into an impromptu pool party space for your seniors, complete with an inflatable pool filled with water and all the music, pool noodles, and floaties they could need. The Booster Club can either accept an entry fee to join the party or use the party like a reward after reaching a donation goal.
Sticky Desk
Donate to have your favorite teacher’s desk/classroom covered in sticky notes! Because a pack of 400 sticky notes run less than $3, this could be a pretty lucrative prank depending on the donation requirement.
Collect donations to allow the students to have a dress alike day with their friends! This activity should be relatively inexpensive as the students are the ones supplying their own costumes, but if the PTO/PTA wants to include any special treats or activities for the day, they absolutely can!
Trick Socks
The Booster Club can sell trick socks for the students to prank their friends and family. All the PTO/PTA will need are several packs of socks (varying sizes to capture the biggest audience) and access to a (or several) sewing machines.
To create the prank, sew across the middle part of the sock, essentially sealing it shut about halfway down. The students will really get a kick out of watching their poor victim struggle against the stitches until they figure out that they’ve been pranked.
Egg The Yard
With this event, have the students donate to have eggs hidden in their friend’s yard. There are varying degrees of difficulty but either way you hide the eggs really well and you tell the victim how many eggs have been hidden.
For a more friendly approach, use plastic eggs and feel free to hide candy or other prizes inside. For a prank with a little more oomph, hide real eggs that were purchased from the grocery store. If all of the real eggs aren’t found, they’ll stink as they decompose. Offer option two with discretion!
Spilled Nail Polish
Sell a prank set up to look like someone spilled nail polish on the carpet or in a parents car.
To create this prank, grab a few cheap bottles of nail polish in varying colors from the dollar store or your area’s equivalent and a roll of wax paper. Pour the nail polish on the wax paper and stick the bottle and brush in it as well so they all dry stuck together. Once the polish has dried, either peel it off of the wax paper and bag it individually or leave it on and bag it so its ready to sell!
Meme Day
Collect donations to allow the students to dress as their favorite memes for the day. The Booster club can even pair this with an event like a meme show, where the students are allowed to act out their meme choices (provided that its school appropriate) and allow the other students to vote on their favorite!
Dunk Tank
This event isn’t specifically an April Fools prank but it definitely carries the same spirit and is a silly way to make extra money for the school. This set up might require a little carpentry work from the local dads, but once your tank is constructed you’ll just need a willing principal, favorite teacher, or other key school or local official to take their seat on the trap door. Then let the games begin!
Zip Tied Lockers
If the parents reach a private donation goal, the Booster Club goes through the school and zipties all the students lockers together! All they have to do is loop a zip tie in the hole where the lock normally goes and then zip tie the loops to form a chain that stretches from one locker to the next.
Outrageous Costume Day
Have your students donate to have an outrageous costume or silly hat day!
Forking The Yard
Not to be mistaken with “Flocking the yard”, forking the yard involves stabbing several plastic forks into the ground of a family’s front yard. This prank is a little deceptive: while it is both silly and harmless, its actually good for aerating the yard after pulling the tines out of the ground. Charge a fee to place the forks, to remove them, or both.
Darian Shimy is the founder and CEO of FutureFund Technology, a fundraising and selling platform for K-12 school groups. He has 25+ years in web-based technologies, managing engineering teams, and building products.
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Seeking alumni donations isn’t just about fundraising—it’s about connecting with former students. By tapping into emotional motivators like nostalgia, recognition, and shared impact, you can inspire former students to stay engaged and give back.
Your alumni newsletter can do more than update former students—it can also encourage them to donate to your fundraisers. Learn how to maximize the potential of every newsletter you send in this guide from the team at FutureFund.
Run a successful penny war for your K-12 school with FutureFund’s help! This guide contains a list of dates, steps, and tools you can use to make your fundraising event a success.
Download the calendar and take a look at this complete list of school holidays in the US to inspire your fundraising needs! Our team at FutureFund is here to help you reach your fundraising goals for your school, clubs, and teams!
Use this downloadable email template to gain new sponsors by explaining your goals and how they can help achieve them. Our team at FutureFund is here to help you manage sponsors, donors, and community involvement for all your fundraising initiatives.