Find out when Teacher Appreciation Week happens this year and get resources you can use to make Teacher Appreciation Day a success at your school. FutureFund provides a survey you can send to teachers at your school, a supplies checklist, and more.

Celebrate birthdays for students while raising money for causes that benefit them! A birthday board fundraiser is easy to create and can bring in lots of money for your school group. Here’s how FutureFund can help you run yours from start to finish.
Celebrate birthdays for students while raising money for causes that benefit them! A birthday board fundraiser is easy to create and can bring in lots of money for your school group. Here’s how FutureFund can help you run yours from start to finish.
Guides and step-by-step how-to’s to run successful thons.
Ideas and inspiration to help you run your next fundraiser.
Step-by-step guides for today’s most popular school fundraisers.
From attracting volunteers to treating the treasurer.
Helping PTA’s save time and be more efficient.
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