Celebrate birthdays for students while raising money for causes that benefit them! A birthday board fundraiser is easy to create and can bring in lots of money for your school group. Here’s how FutureFund can help you run yours from start to finish.
We’re excited to let you know that we have updated FutureFund with some requested quality-of-life features and minor bug fixes.
Recent Quality of Life Enhancements
Category Sales Report
The category sales report shows the gross sales by store category.
See: https://support.futurefund.com/store/reports/category-sales/
Email Attachments
FutureFund messaging supports email attachments. Admins can attach multiple files when composing a message.
Payout Bulk Export Tool¶
When reconciling many payouts, it is helpful to export a single file with the payout information aggregate vs. individual files for each payout. To support this, FutureFund provides a bulk export tool for the payout summary information.
See: https://support.futurefund.com/store/payouts/#bulk-export
Donor Wall Toggle¶
The donor wall is a great way to recognize parent’s donations when using fundraiser campaigns. We believe this is a great way to promote a positive fundraising culture while still respecting donor privacy. However, we also understand that some schools are not comfortable with this feature. In response to this concern, we’ve added a toggle in the Admin to control the donor wall visibility.
Payout Support for Refunded Fees¶
FutureFund payout reports provide an easy way to identify program funding from a single deposit. Activity that cannot be linked to a transaction is classified as an Adjustment. Historically, refunded fees were classified as an Adjustment requiring our support team to locate and identify the transaction. This behavior has changed and refunded fees will be properly identified in the payout summary reports.
Active Volunteer Positions¶
FutureFund provides a great way to collect volunteer interests from parents during registration and beyond. We’ve added the ability to toggle the volunteer position from being displayed during registration. Before this, the only way to prevent a volunteer position from being displayed was to delete it which would result in losing the volunteers.